miercuri, 23 septembrie 2015

O experienta minunata! (A wonderful experience)


Buna tuturor! Stiu, nu am ai postat de mult si n-am nici o scuza... Sa-mi fie rusine! Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre schimbul pe care l-am facut cu Chestii de la Rozz... Draguta de Andreea intra pe mine intr-o zi sa imi spuna ca ii place ceea ce fac eu din fimo si imi propune sa facem o colaborare. In ce a constat aceasta colaborare? Ei bine, am ales o anumita suma de bani si ne-am ales fiecare produse de acea suma si apoi ne-am trimis coletele :). Pot spune ca a meritat asteptarea. Toate mi-au placut, nu pot sa spun ca am o bijuterie preferata sau ceva, toate sunt superbe! Va las mai jos pozele sa vedeti si voi :) Enjoy!
Hello everybody! I know, I didn`t write recently and I have no excuse... Shame on me! Today I want to talk about the change I did with Chestii de la Rozz... Sweet Andreea started to write me one day and said how much she likes what I do with fimo and propose me a collaboration. What means this collaboration? Well, we choose a fix amount of money and each of us choose some products and then we sent the package :). I can tell you that the waiting was worth. I love everything she send me and I can`t tell you that I have a favorite jewelry, all are gorgeous! I let you now to see the photos :)  Enjoy!

Sunt superbe nu-i asa? Iti multumesc tare mult Andreea pt aceasta experienta minunata! Ma bucur tare mult ca am facut acest schimb. Multi pupici si sper sa mai colaboram pe viitor
They are gorgeous, aren`t they? Thank you very much Andreea for this wonderful experience! I`m very glad that we made this change. A lot of kisses and I hope we will collaborate like this in the future :)

vineri, 28 august 2015

Another hobby

Salut tuturor! Azi e o zi frumoasa si insorita afara care ma binedispune si am zis sa mai scriu ceva si pe blog... Nu o sa vorbesc tare mult, o sa va las doar niste poze cu unghiutele puse de mine :) Da, stiu ca mai am mult inca de invatat, dar e ceva ce fac cu placere si ador sa pun unghii :D

Hello everybody! Today is a beautiful and sunny day which gives me a nice vibe and i want to write something on my blog... I won't talk to much, I will let you some photos with the nails wich were made by me :) Yes, I know I have a lot to learn, but is something which I do with great pleasure :D

Acestea sunt doar cateva modele facute de mine. Astept pareri si idei noi de la voi! Pupici!
These are just some models made by me. I want opinions and ideas from you! Kisses!


duminică, 2 august 2015

#1 Post!

Buna dimineata! M-am gandit sa mai postez ceva pe proaspatul meu blog si am ales sa vorbesc putin despre bijuteriile pe care le confectionez :) Totul a inceput de cand aveam cativa ani si ma jucam cu pastilina pana cand a trebui schimbat covorul :)) (tot era de plastilina). Dupa ce am crescut, am inlocuit plastilina cu lutul polimeric (Fimo) si astfel am inceput sa imi fac propriile bijuterii :). Va las mai jos si cateva poze cu munca mea si cine stie?, poate gasesc pe cineva cu aceleasi pasiuni cu care as putea impartasi idei si tehnici :D.
Good morning! I was thinking to post something new on my 'fresh' blog and I choose to talk a little about my jewelry which I make :) All started since I was just a little kid and I was playing with clay until we need to change the carpet :)) (it was clay all over). After I grow up, I replaced the clay with polymer clay (Fimo) and I start to make my own jewelry:). I will shown you a few pictures with my work and who knows?, maybe I will find someone with same passions and we could share ideas and tehniques :D.

RO: Trandafiri sunt modelati din Fimo :)
EN: The roses are made of Fimo:)

vineri, 31 iulie 2015



    Buna! Mi-am propus sa incep cu o postare care sa va introduca în "lumea mea". Am dorit de mult timp sa îmi fac un blog, chiar am mai avut unul dar am uitat de el... Nu pot sa spun ca acest blog va fi doar de fashion, make-up, handmade, tutoriale etc. va avea cate ceva din fiecare :). Vreau sa impartasesc cu voi ganduri, idei si sa invat lucruri noi... Stiu ca nu sunt prea buna cu "vorbele" dar sper ca pe viitor sa imi imbunatatesc abilitatile lingvistice :). Voi incerca sa traduc toate articolele si in limba engleza pentru a fi mai accesibile si de asemenea e un exercitiu bun pt mine :)

    Hi! I want to start with a post wich will introduce you to "my world". I wished to make a blog a long time ago, I even had one but I forget about it... I can`t say that my blog will be only about fashion, make-up, handmade, tutorials etc. it will have a little from everything :). I want to share with you thoughts, ideas and to learn new things... I know I am not to good with words but I hope in the future I will improve my language skill :). I will try to translate every post in english to make them more available and it will be a godd exercise for me :)